Sunday, June 12, 2011

Switching to Cloth

Diapers. They are a necessity when it comes to babies and an expensive one at that. When it came time for me to decide what kind of diapers I wanted to use, it wasn't a choice. I was using disposables. I even told my husband not to even bring up the option of cloth because I was adamant that I would never ever use a cloth diaper.
Then I had Baby Ruffles. I loved my disposable diapers. I used Pampers Swaddlers and was 100% satisfied with them. Thanks to Amazon Mom, I wasn't even sweating the cost. The only thing I wasn't thrilled about was how many we went through in a day. Baby Ruffles would not tolerate a wet diaper. The minute it was wet was the minute she would start screaming as if we were torturing her. We would use at least 15 diapers in a single day, usually more. The number of trash bags we took out each week quickly doubled and everyone knows there are few things more disgusting than a plastic bag full of dirty diapers. It became extremely frustrating since we were just throwing away money.

I had a few friends come over with their babies which of course led to diaper discussions. They would mention that they had tried cloth diapers and loved them. I would smile and nod with very little interest. Until one of my friends actually handed me a cloth diaper. It was soft! So soft! Not to mention completely adorable. She mentioned how they are super absorbent and it got me thinking. Maybe Baby Ruffles would tolerate wet diapers better if they were cloth. I decided I would buy one or two to test out.
I believe it was within a week that I found a deal online for AppleCheeks that were half-off. I picked out two and waiting impatiently for them to arrive. It was love at first touch. They were so buttery soft and looked so cute on. It took me a few tries to get the fit right and other things like that, but the main thing I noticed is that Baby Ruffles was suddenly tolerating wet diapers.

I had to get my hands on more. Soon, I was searching online for reviews, deals, and advice. Now, I have a wealth of knowledge about cloth diapers and a lovely blog to share it on. When I got started looking into cloth diapers, I quickly became overwhelmed which is why I want to share what I have figured out along the way. I have to say all the research was completely worth it. Cloth diapers were something I swore I'd never do and now I cringe at the thought of ever going back to disposables. So, what changed my mind to stick with cloth? Here are a few reasons:

-My baby tolerates a wet diaper for a change!

-That pile of baby clothes on my washer being pre-treated after blow-out? GONE!

-Saving money!! Even if you bought 24 of the most expensive cloth diapers, you would still be paying less than you would on disposables. Not to mention if you take care of them, they can be used for your next baby or even sold.

-Fewer diaper rashes.

-I actually look forward to diaper changes now. I get to pick which color to put on her next and which brand.

-They are so cute and feel like another fun accessory to the outfit!

-No chemicals against my baby's bottom!

-No more tabs that tear off making the diaper useless!

-No more stinky trash bags to throw out!

-No more midnight runs to the store when you run out of diapers. If you need more, you just wash them.

-Less waste and environmentally friendly, of course!

Still not convinced? Here are a few links to articles written by other bloggers about their switch to cloth:

Sound like a worthwhile switch? I certainly thought so! Now that you've read my story about why I made the switch, you can learn about how you can make the same switch. Basically, the fun is just about to get started. I will be posting cloth diaper Q&As, brand reviews, laundry tips, and other awesome information.


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